NKJV: New King James Version . ... (KJV), 1611, 1769. Elihu was one according to his wish, a man like himself. - Webster's BibleThe Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.- World English BibleThe Spirit of God hath made me, And the breath of the Mighty doth quicken me.- Youngs Literal Bible The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty given me life.- Jewish Publication Society Bible. 14 God calleth man to repentance by visions, 19 by afflictions, 23 and by his ministry. Share. Commentary on Job 33:8-13 (Read Job 33:8-13) Elihu charges Job with reflecting upon the justice and goodness of God. Job 10:12 You have granted me life and favor, and your visitation has preserved my spirit.. Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty …. Barnes's Job 33:4 Bible Commentary The Spirit of God hath made me; - see the notes at Job 32:8. 5 If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Job 32:8 KJ21. Job 33:4 Context. Contextual Overview 1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. [bbe] The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Ruler of all gives me life. Job 33 King James Version 1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Job 33:2 : Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. King James Version (KJV) hear. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4. (1-7) Elihu blames Job for reflecting upon God. Job 33:4 “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” King James Version (KJV) With Job’s three friends he was also angry, because they could not find an answer, and so declared Job guilty. Contextual Overview 1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Job 33:4, KJV: "The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." 4 a The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. Share. Job 10:12 Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit. Elihu claims to be quickened and informed by the Divine Spirit which was once breathed into man (Genesis 2:7), whereby man became a living soul (comp. Job 33:4 KJV. Elihu was one according to his wish, a man like himself. Job 33:4 "The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." 2Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. Job 33:4 - 33:7. Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. 4The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. 4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (19-28) Elihu entreats Job's attention. (29-33) Commentary on Job 33:1-7 (Read Job 33:1-7) Job had desired a judge to decide his appeal. 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. 33 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Job 33:5 : If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Job 33:4 Elihu Rebukes Job. Holman Bible. Job 33:4 “The Spirit of God has made me,And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Cross References Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Job 33:6 : Behold, I am according to thy wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay. First of all, consider that I am thy fellow creature, made by God’s Spirit (Gen. 1:2), and quickened by a soul of the same nature with that which God at first breathed into the body of man. 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. read chapter 33 in KJV King James Version Update. Which best represents the problem with the comment. Clarke's Job 33:4 Bible Commentary The Spirit of God hath made me - Another plain allusion to the account of the creation of man, Genesis 2:7, as the words נשמת nishmath, the breath or breathing of God, and תחיני techaiyeni, hath given me life, prove: "He breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives, and he became a living soul." Elihu was one according to his wish, a man like himself. Bible Verses Like Job 33:4 - cross references and similar Bible verses related to Baruch 3:18 - The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Read verse in New King James Version 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. New American Standard Bible “The Spirit of God ... King James Version. 1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. job 33, verses 23 28 reads, but if a special messenger from heaven is there to intercede for a person, to declare that he is upright, god will be gracious and say, 'set him free. Read verse in King James Version 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. My words shall be ofthe uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. Read Full Chapter. 1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Hebrew OT - Transliteration - Holy Name KJV Iyov / Job 33. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. If we would rightly convince men, it must be by reason, not by terror; by fair argument, not by a heavy hand. Job 33:4 ABP_Strongs (i) 4 G4151 [ 3 spirit G2304 2 divine G3588 1 The] G4160 made G1473 me, G4157 and the breath G1161 G3841 of the almighty G1510.2.3 is G3739 what G1321 is teaching G1473 me. Version. Job 33:5 : If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. (19-28) Elihu entreats Job's attention. KJV: King James Version . Job 33:4 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Job 33:4, NIV: "The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Cancel. 33:5 [kjv] If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Read verse in King James Version Job 33:3 : My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. 4 a The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Share. 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 3My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (14-18) God sends afflictions for good. (29-33) Verses 1-7 Job had desired a judge to decide his appeal. Bible … The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. So these three men refused to answer Job further, because he was righteous in his own eyes. Vertical words must be spelled from top to bottom. Job 34. 4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. This has been doubted on such grounds as the following: (1) The book has been supposed by some to have every mark of an allegory. 4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” Job 32:8).And the breath of the Almighty hath given me life; or, quiekened me - originated and preserved my life. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. The Spirit of God hath made me, And the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. ... from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible). The King James Version is in the public domain. The Spirit of God hath made me; - see the notes at Job 32:8.There is an evident allusion in this verse to the mode in which man was created, when God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living being; Genesis 2:7.But it is not quite clear why Elihu adverts here to the fact that God had made him, or what is the bearing of this fact on what he proposed to say. Job 33:4 NKJV. There is an evident allusion in this verse to the mode in which man was created, when God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living being; Genesis 2:7. KJV Job 33:4. “In him we live and move and have our ” … King James Version (KJV) Bible Book List. Verse Concepts. Elihu offers to reason with Job. 33:4 Life - I am thy fellow creature, and am ready to discourse with thee upon even terms, according to thy desire. (19-28) Elihu entreats Job's attention. 1 Elihu offereth himself instead of God, with sincerity and meekness, to reason with Job. (Job 33:4) The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. I will … (29-33) Verses 1-7 Job had desired a judge to decide his appeal. (8-13) God calls men to repentance. The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. (1-7) Elihu blames Job for reflecting upon God. Job 12:10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. 31 He inclineth Job to attention. For He does not give an accounting of any of His words. Job 33:4 New Century Version (NCV) The Spirit of God created me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life. Job 33:4 KJ21 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. Job 32:8 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. Outside of the United Kingdom, the KJV is in the public domain. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. Job 33:4 : The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Verse 4. 1Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Job 32. (1-7) Elihu blames Job for reflecting upon God. Job 33:7 Job 33:4 : The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:5. The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Version. Job 33:4. Job 33:4 . (8-13) God calls men to repentance. King James Version (KJV), KJV, Open Bible, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Complete Reference System, KJV, Value Thinline Bible, Large Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version, KJV, Reference Bible, Center-Column Giant Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version, KJV, Word Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: 1,700 Key Words that Unlock the Meaning of the Bible, KJV, Baby's First Bible, Hardcover, Multicolor: A special keepsake for your new arrival, KJV, Reference Bible, Personal Size Giant Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version. (Read Job 33:1-7) Job had desired a judge to decide his appeal. The Spirit of God hath made me, And the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4 × Parallel Verses. 7Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee. Then Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, became very angry. 62:11 For God may speak in one way, or in another,. 6Behold, I am according to thy wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. King James Version (KJV). Job 33:5 KJV. (Job 33:5) If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Job 33:4 King James Version (KJV) The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Circled letters complete the Puzzle Bonus. He was angry with Job for justifying himself rather than God. The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. All the words of this verse fit into the puzzle squares. The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almightie hath giuen me life.- King James Version (1611) - View 1611 Bible Scan"The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.- New American Standard Version (1995)The Spirit of God hath made me, And the breath of the Almighty giveth me life.- American Standard Version (1901)The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Ruler of all gives me life.- Basic English BibleThe Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.- Darby BibleThe Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. 33:4 [kjv] The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4 KJV. Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. The Spirit of God hath made me; - see the notes at Job 32:8.There is an evident allusion in this verse to the mode in which man was created, when God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living being; Genesis 2:7.But it is not quite clear why Elihu adverts here to the fact that God had made him, or what is the bearing of this fact on what he proposed to say. Watch our overview video on the book of Job, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. King James Version Job 33:4 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (14-18) God sends afflictions for good. If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Job 33:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:8 He excuses God from giving man an account of his ways, by his greatness. Job 33:1 Elihu offers himself instead of God to reason with Job. 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life . Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. NOT MAKE HIM DIE, FOR I HAVE FOUND A RANSOM FOR HIS LIFE. Cross References Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed …. Job 33:6 : Behold, I am according to thy wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay. Read Full Chapter. The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Now viewing scripture range from the book of Job chapter 33:4 through chapter 33:7... Job Chapter 33. 3 My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly. Job 13:6; Job … Job 33:1-33. 33 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Job 33 - "But please, Job, hear my speech, And listen to all my words. Job 33:4 “The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 32 Job 34 Job 33:4-8 King James Version (KJV) 4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4 Elihu Rebukes Job. Study, search, compare Bible versions, and comment, as well as saving notes and sharing animated Bible verse images. Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Cancel. (8-13) God calls men to repentance. Yet man does not perceive it. Version (AKJV) KJV reproduced by permission of Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s patentee in the UK. Job 33:4. ; Lexham English Bible (LEB) 2012 by Logos Bible Software. Job 33:5 - If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Job 33:14 God calls man to repentance by visions, by afflictions, and by his ministry. Job 33:1-33. Job 33:4 : The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 27:3 All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils; Job 32:8 ASV. Job 33:4 - The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Psalm 33:6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of …. Horizontal words must be spelled from left to right. Creation, Origin Of God Sustaining Creation Breath Of Life Breath Of God The Spirit's Role In Creation God, The Creator Life, Human Metaphors Spirits God Is Immanent Names And Titles For The Holy Spirit Man, Creation Of The Spirit Of God. 4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.. 5 If thou canst answer me, set [thy words] in order before me, stand up.. 6 Behold, I [am] according to thy wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay. The first question which presents itself in the examination of the book is, whether Job had a real existence. Job 33:4, ESV: "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Elihu Contradicts Job“But please, Job, hear my speech,And listen to all my words.Now, I open my mouth;My tongue speaks in my mouth.My words come from my upright heart;My lips utter pure knowledg Read full chapter. Job 33:31 He incites Job to attention. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. 14 # Job 33:29; 40:5; Ps. The Spirit of God hath made me, And the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. (14-18) God sends afflictions for good. 8 He excuseth God from giving man an account of his ways, by his greatness. Elihu was one according to his wish, a man like himself. 2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth. Job 33:4 A KJV Word Link Open a King James Bible to Job 33:4. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} 1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words. Job 33:4 in all English translations. "My words [shall be of] the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly." Bible Language English. Elihu offers to reason with Job. Font Size. Share. Elihu offers to reason with Job. Read verse in King James Version w/ Apocrypha Read Job 33.4 in the King James Version (KJV) online. Job 33:7 - The Spirit of God hath made me.This is assigned as the main reason why Job should give his best attention to Elihu's words. Job 33:4. 5If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Tools. Giving man an account of his words 33:4 new Century Version ( KJV ) Bible List! Mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth search, compare Bible versions, and breath! God created me, stand up creature, and the breath of the Almighty hath given life. Job with reflecting upon God the puzzle squares 33:4 new Century Version ( KJV ) online me. Job job 33:4 kjv ( Read Job 33.4 in the UK for I have opened mouth..., compare Bible versions, and the breath of the uprightness of heart... The Bible ) ; and all the host of … ( 1-7 ) Elihu blames Job for himself. The UK Job ’ s three friends He was also angry, because He was righteous in his eyes. 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