Key conclusions are that both staff and students value online sessions, to supplement face-to-face sessions, mainly for their convenience, but interaction within the sessions is limited. While some students commented that the font was “new” or “different”, none of the participants reported preferring to read material presented in that font. The difference of the STEM curriculum with the other strands and tracks is the focus on advanced concepts and topics. The effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding has been demonstrated through traditional meta-analyses. In this study, the authors describe a first-grade teacher team's experiences during their second year of RTI implementation at a rural Title I school. The majority of these efforts have been concentrated on reducing the semantic gap that exists between low-level image features represented by digital machines and the profusion of high-level human perception used to perceive images. Author: Supalo, Cary A., Humphrey, Jennifer R., Mallouk, Thomas E., David Wohlers, H. and Carlsen, William S. Author: Landau, Rubin H., Páez, Manuel J. and Bordeianu, Cristian C. Author: Butler, Matthew, Holloway, Leona, Marriott, Kim and Goncu, Cagatay, Journal: Higher Education Research & Development, Author: Cárdenas-Robledo, Leonor Adriana and Peña-Ayala, Alejandro. Abstract: As higher education has increasingly embraced digital technologies, we have been too slow to acknowledge accessibility issues for students with visual disabilities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, STEM jobs are expected to grow almost twice as much as other jobs: 21.4%! These tools do not fully and adequately meet the needs of the teachers because they are long to produce, expensive, and not versatile enough to provide rapid updating of the content. Three learning modules on the topics of seasons, environmental issues and air pollution were developed to facilitate students' inquiry abilities: questioning, planning, analyzing, and modeling. There is also no certain standard method for evaluating accessibility features of an online learning system. We engaged in conversation analysis and used MAXQDA 12 software for data analysis. The approaches that are mostly used among practitioners and educators are based on accessibility guidelines or expert judgments, without direct input from actual users, resulting in a lack of user experience perspectives. Author: Trump, Cary E., Pennington, Robert C., Travers, Jason C., Ringdahl, Joel E., Whiteside, Erinn E. and Ayres, Kevin M. Author: Weng, Cathy, Otanga, Sarah, Weng, Apollo and Cox, Joanne, Author: Morningstar, Mary E., Shogren, Karrie A., Lee, Hyunjoo and Born, Kiara, Journal: Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, Journal: Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Author: Wery, Jessica and Diliberto, Jennifer, Author: Zhuhadar, Leyla, Carson, Bryan, Daday, Jerry, Thrasher, Evelyn and Nasraoui, Olfa, Journal: Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Author: Koustriava, Eleni and Papadopoulos, Konstantinos, Author: de Macedo, Claudia Mara Scudelari and Ulbricht, Vânia Ribas, Journal: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning A publication of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Secondary Author: Zaikina-Montgomery, Helen, Author: Ravyse, Werner, Seugnet Blignaut, A., Leendertz, Verona and Woolner, Alex, Author: Giraud, Stéphanie, Brock, Anke M., Macé, Marc J. M. and Jouffrais, Christophe, Author: Root, Jenny, Stevenson, Bradley, Davis, Luann, Geddes-Hall, Jennifer and Test, David, Journal: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Author: Sorrell, Melanie, Norton, Derek, McAdams, Jeff, Winterling, Rachael and Dipple, Kathleen. It included six middle school students, each with LD, from a Midwestern city. 0000001074 00000 n
We also present two tools created to guide authors in writing comprehensive text alternatives. In this paradigm, 2-year graduates transfer as online students into the Distance Education in MCS (DE MCS) bachelor of science program. Pasmao is an accessible multimedia platform aimed to promote the use of information technology (IT), specifically, the digital signature within Leganés, a town near Madrid, Spain. Through its integration with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), NFB EQ opened opportunities from 2013-2016 in Baltimore, Maryland, for 60 blind students (Grades 9-12) to learn about engineering. Instead, it is better to provide information about images, then generate descriptions from responses using templates. Of those who have earned a BS through the DE MCS program, 71% are women and 61% are URM. While accessing scientific content can pose unique challenges for disabled students and those who have just started learning a new language, the UVC platform has the potential to provide students with disabilities and recent immigrants the ability to pursue new and deeper learning opportunities. The study involved two groups of students trialing an interactive e-textbook and a static PDF e-textbook within the environmental unit of science class. Results showed that all research participants gained scientific knowledge. The descriptions generated through queried image description (QID) were more likely to include information on the image category, title, caption, and units. The result of the BMA contributes to an enhanced understanding of the effect of computer-based scaffolding within problem-based learning. Age, level of education, and frequency of computer usage were found to be significant predictors of the participants’ attitudes. The L2C system employs sonified feedback that provides auditory streams synchronically. Failure to provide equal access to disabled students is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The chapter includes the following topics: senior high school, factors that influence the choice of specialization of students, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework. With the aim at disseminating such a revolutionary arena, this systematic review analyzes its nature, application, and evolution throughout a longitudinal study, where 176 approaches built since 2010 up to the third quarter of 2017 date are gathered, classified, and characterized to disclose labor traits, outcome patterns, and field tendencies. %PDF-1.4
Abstract: It has been much easier to access education in the recent digital age. Ubiquitous learning, labeled as u–learning, takes advantage of digital content, physical surroundings, mobile devices, pervasive components, and wireless communication to deliver teaching–learning experiences to users at anytime, anywhere, and anyway. The results of BMA indicated that computer-based scaffolding significantly impacted ( g = 0.385) cognitive outcomes in problem-based learning in STEM education. Atkinson, R. D. (2012). ... the sciences major strand of study is … Results of the analysis indicated several tensions that were marginalizing special education teachers, special education students, and mathematics. Several valid questionnaires and tests were applied (e.g., SRQ-A, RAVEN) in pre- and postdesign showing a good reliability. Studies are needed that are better structured more systematic and replicable attentive to progress and findings in the cognate fields of science, technology, engineering, and math education However, little is known about the academic success of students with LD in this setting. Chapter II. With the emergence of 3D printing and low-cost microcontrollers, it is now easy to design affordable interactive small-scale models (SSMs) which are adapted to the needs of special education teachers. Comparing Students With and Without Disabilities, Use of a sonification system for science learning by people who are blind, Listen to the models: Sonified learning models for people who are blind, Hands-On Math and Art Exhibition Promoting Science Attitudes and Educational Plans, Exploratory Research to Expand Opportunities in Computer Science for Students with Learning Differences, Computer Programming With Pre-K Through First-Grade Students With Intellectual Disabilities, Teaching macroeconomics to the visually impaired: New tactile methods, verbal precision, and small groups, Towards equity in mathematics education for students with severe disabilities: A case study of professional learning, The case for adopting virtual manipulatives in mathematics education for students with disabilities, Challenges in Inclusive Mathematics Education: Representations by Professionals Who Teach Mathematics to Students with Disabilities, Multimedia platform for mathematics’ interactive learning accessible to blind people. Interventions to improve the mathematics skills of students with ASD have been recommended. According to these findings, it has been clear that there are problems at web design, access to adapted technology, the usage of mobile devices, the content of e-education and the access of the technological devices. § 300.346[a][2][v] Abstract: This paper examines key issues involving the interaction, design and usability of a digital whiteboard interface to support Down syndrome (DS) students in their learning of addition and subtraction algorithms. As a consequence, a large group of users--i.e., people with impairments--are excluded from accessing these Web presences. In this review, criteria for group experimental and single case studies were used to determine quality (Horner et al., Exceptional Children 71:165-179, 2005 Gersten et al., Exceptional Children 71:149-164, 2005 National Technical Assistance Center on Transition Center 2015 ). These techniques are compared among themselves and with two other sonification techniques already proposed in the literature. The complexity of multimedia contents is significantly increasing in the current digital world. In the context of people with disabilities, communication channels should be equally accessible, in particular those based on innovative media such as e-Services. Therefore, explicit instruction on image-description guidelines is not sufficient to produce quality image descriptions when using novice Web workers. We interviewed the middle school math teacher throughout the deployment to learn about the challenges faced when teaching: lesson planning, execution, and review. Those who learned through the L2C models performed with higher accuracy in the posttest. Abstract: Students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are increasingly included in general education and are expected to access core content, including science. Studies focused on functional and computational skills for students with a comorbid diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID). Fair warning, though, this strand is not for the faint-hearted. The results based on General Linear Modeling and Structural Equation Path Modeling underline the motivational effects. (Google Scholar Link) Over the past 25 years, a consensus has emerged that “the United States needs to do a better job at promoting and supporting STEM education.” But, the author points out, the problem of too few students successfully completing undergraduate and graduate STEM degrees remains. All subjects involved in the process successfully completed the evaluation session, showing a high level of engagement, demonstrating, therefore, the effectiveness of the evaluation procedure. Important challenges of CBIR are discussed, e.g. startxref
The paper will consider what a remote laboratory is and how it can be developed with accessibility in mind. The C-COI analyzes data gathered through video and audio screen recording software that captures students’ computer screens as they program, and their conversations with their peers or adults. Why the current education reform strategy won’t work. With these in mind, we present lessons learned from the use of GNIE in a real-world classroom and implications for design of software to aid graphical learning for students with vision impairments. This section contains some publications that are focused on disability and accessibility and some that are more general, and may warrant further organization. 0
OpenDyslexic was compared to Arial and Times New Roman in three reading tasks: (a) letter naming, (b) word reading, and (c) nonsense word reading. Two classes of seventh graders (13-14 years old) were randomly assigned to an inquiry group (n = 24) and a baseline group (n = 27). The results of the evaluation of the experimental implementation of Pasmao reveal a new and promising way to promote e-Services among people with disabilities. This comprehensive literature review synthesized eleven studies of mathematics intervention strategies for students with ASD. A set of rules for describing mathematical formulas were proposed after consultation with mathematicians and teachers of blind people. <<3368D352C22AA748A8B1D845C3FE1DD3>]>>
We conducted an online survey of 71 vision-impaired university students and semi-structured interviews with 44 key stakeholders (students, academics, disability liaison officers and accessible graphics providers). Abstract: The computer science (CS) education field is engaging in unprecedented efforts to expand learning opportunities in K-12 CS education, but one group of students is often overlooked: those with specific learning disabilities and related attention deficit disorders. including image preprocessing, feature extraction and indexing, system learning, benchmarking datasets, similarity matching, relevance feedback, performance evaluation, and visualization. Given that the literature does not address the query directly, the following approach is used in this rapid literature review: literature from developed and developing Abstract: This article compares two methods of employing novice Web workers to author descriptions of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics images to make them accessible to individuals with visual and print-reading disabilities. x�b```f``�a`b``1g�a@ �r s%������?�#��K�����n'U��� J�%�oGo��v��f�2#���Ufy6 g��@B�'k��%4[���K�v9kC�@�8��)10 Included studies met the design standards of the What Works Clearinghouse (2014). Through this analysis, we reveal five central serious game themes: 1) backstory and production, 2) realism, 3) artificial intelligence and adaptivity, 4) interaction, and 5) feedback and debriefing, all of which require deliberate intertwining with pedagogical content to ensure successful learning. Abstract: Development of a new model of a transfer program that blends online learning with face-to-face labs in microbiology significantly broadens participation of women and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while maintaining retention and academic performance. Evidence in support of the efficacy of the technologies to increase the students' hands-on participation during laboratory lessons was substantial. It’s also a great “undercover” STEM read, chock-full of anagrams and theorems. review of related literature Why do todays students choose STEM over other fields of study such as business, law, or the arts? Teaching Algebra to Students With Learning Disabilities: Where Have We Come and Where Should We Go? Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter contains the literature and studies related to the impact of gadgets in learning. Abstract: Students who are blind need access to learning materials. Abstract: There are several situations in which a person with visual impairment or blindness needs to extract information from an image. This report provides an overview of the current STEM debate and a review of the literature on the various aspects and roles for STEM concepts, as well as descriptions of the knowledge and skills associated with STEM competency. Only 14% of the participants felt that repeated encounters with the same diagrams made the diagrams easy to understand. Despite this, gaining access to laboratory facilities and experiments for many people can still be a problem. Abstract: We report on student and staff perceptions of synchronous online teaching and learning sessions in mathematics and computing. The results of the analysis shed light on organizations' motivations to implement or reject Web accessibility standards, reveal positive and negative consequences of implementation, and provide in-depth insights into the determinants for successful and unsuccessful Web accessibility implementation. Author: Splendiani, Bruno and Ribera, Mireia, Author: Splendiani, Bruno, Ribera, Mireia, Garcia, Roberto and Termens, Miquel, Journal: The Journal of the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology, Author: Fantin, D., Sutton, M., Daumann, Lj and Fischer, Kf. This research investigates the effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding in the context of problem-based learning for STEM education through Bayesian meta-analysis (BMA). These design features identified provided useful insights into future design of technology-infused learning tasks for different inquiry abilities. In collaboration with a specialized teacher, we designed a SSM and a RLM representing the evolution of the geography and history of a fictitious kingdom. The study showed that the interactive SSM improved both space and text memorization as compared to the RLM with braille legend. This review unravels each of the five themes into their constituent factors and consequently presents the factors as practical guidelines that serious games producers should strive to include in their game productions. Working toward the ideal of a video tutorial that is accessible to every user leads to the creation of more clearly worded, effective learning objects that are much more inclusive, making instructional concepts available to users of all abilities. These results indicate there may be no benefit for translating print materials to this font. Unfortunately, students with disabilities perform below their peers without disabilities in math and science. Recently, a range of solutions have been developed and successfully deployed which can be used to both provide access to and improve the quality of an educational offering. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are intertwining disciplines when applied in the real world. and coordinated for multidisciplinary approaches. Suggestions for future research and implications for practice are discussed. Faculty age, gender, home university, presence of a disability, self-perceived skill level using a computer, and socially desirable responding were covariates. In addition, those maps do not provide any interactivity, which reduces students’ autonomy. Abstract: There is no doubt that an abundance of factors exists that makes learning with serious games successful. The authors discuss issues related to STEM and students with disabilities. Abstract: Advances in technology and course delivery methods have enabled persons with disabilities to enroll in higher education at an increasing rate. The study participants ( N = 256 ) were 12-13 years old from Finland. People often treat writing the literature review in an academic paper as a formality. Due to the non-normality of the distribution of scores on the dependent variable, an ordinal regression analysis was performed instead of the planned linear regression analysis. Abstract: Listening to complexity is a long-term research project, which addresses a central need among people who are blind: providing equal access to the science classroom, by allowing them to explore computer models, independently collect data, adapt and control their learning process. System developers and instructional designers are urged to implement technical guidelines and universal standards, along with design principles, to create more accessible learning applications. The innovative and low-cost learning system that is used in this project is based on the principle of perceptual compensation via technologies, by harnessing the auditory mode to transmit dynamic and spatial complex information, due to its unique affordances with respect to vision. in teaching addition and subtraction to individuals with DS, the advantages of using the whiteboard for students who have difficulty writing, as they can focus on the operation at hand and forget their difficulties with handwriting, or mathematical errors arising from interaction issues. This is a critical lapse in the research, as knowing the efficacy of CTE experiences in promoting the STEM pipeline will be important for policy makers as they consider new or revised educational policies to support the pursuit and persistence of students with disabilities into STEM fields. 9th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Journal: Proceedings of the WEIMS Conference, Author: González, Carina, Noda, Aurelia, Bruno, Alicia, Moreno, Lorenzo and Muñoz, Vanesa. Sighted students incidentally learn how to interpret visual information from a young age. This study provides a detailed case in which one approach of the Flipped Classroom Model of Instruction was applied in two classes at California State University Northridge. The review follows a “pathways” approach that examines how URMs enter and advance through STEM careers. Findings showed that participants lacked professional development opportunities, leadership support, and tangible resources. For example, graphical representations are often used in education, in particular, in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. The graphical interface of presented application was designed using PHP and JavaScript technologies. During these 2 years, we conducted interviews and focus groups with students to learn about their attitudes toward tactile graphs compared to auditory graphs. This paper, illustrates Pasmao, an initiative for the diffusion of e-Government, using accessible media for people with disabilities. Abstract: Video and Web-based tutorials created by libraries from 71 public universities designated by the Carnegie Classification as having the Highest Research Activity (R1) were reviewed for accessibility and usability by disabled people. Conclusions—Treating sighted and visually impaired pupils equally is different to treating them identically. As the K-12 reaches the Philippines last May 15, 2013; many of the incoming senior high school students were uncertain about what strand to … The results showed the presence of distinct representations concerning the theme, with attitudes that range from support and incentive for the inclusion of students with disabilities, with evidence of knowledge of the theme, to representations that revealed the manifestation of doubts, opinions and attitudes, with positions contrary to the philosophy of inclusion. Based on the growing research in the recent years, this paper provides a comprehensive review on the state-of-the-art in the field of CBIR. More high-quality research including students with higher-functioning ASD is required to fully address the needs of this population. In addition, the paper presents the main strategies, procedures and errors of DS students for carrying out addition and subtraction algorithms that are more predominant in the DS population. Sonified feedback can lead to learning and understanding of scientific phenomena. This article reports on the first phase of a National Science Foundation-supported exploratory research study to address this problem. These guidelines are created based on analysis and convergence of the “Principles of Universal Design” with the “Recommendations for Creating Accessible Web Content” W3C, and “Best Practices for Production and Application of Accessible Content” presented at Guides Instructional Management Systems (IMS). Future research should include replication of the study at other universities, a greater amount of faculty respondents, the inclusion of additional demographic variables, and an experimental research design to test if increased skill level using a computer causes increased awareness of accessibility barriers. The review of articles published in only one journal over a short … The inclusion of interactive and multimodal features has become increasingly prevalent. They follow board work during class by referring to typed class notes provided ahead of time via a Braille reader, and in-class small groups solving problems create an inclusive esprit de corps and promote classmates' participation in clarifying board work. Development of science content knowledge, scientific literacy, and scientific thinking are emphasized in legislation as well as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as critical for all students. U–learning represents an emergent paradigm that spreads education in diverse settings, where users are situated in authentic learning contexts to face immersive experiences in order to accomplish meaningful learning. Consequently, the visual information of scientific articles is not accessible to people with severe visual disabilities. The quantity and consistency of research on navigation, education, and computer accessibility suggest that these are pertinent areas of need for the visually impaired community. While several research studies have examined the functionality of this type of technology, little attention has been paid to accessibility issues, in particular to the complex web-based interfaces for learners with disabilities, e.g., those with visual impairment. These five results are grounded respectively in a representative collection, a proposed taxonomy, a suggested pattern, statistical interpretations, mining findings, and critical analysis. Abstract: Abstract Knowledge around geospatial technologies and learning remains sparse, inconsistent, and overly anecdotal. Author: Greer, Diana, Rowland, Amber L. and Smith, Sean J. Senior High … It was found that while earlier hardware development focused on pin matrices, the emphasis then shifted toward force feedback haptics and accessible touch screens. The Effects of Sleep Deprivation to STEM Strand’s Academic Performances REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE From the definition of sleep deprivation it is a condition that occurs when an individual does not get enough sleep each night (What are sleep deprivation, 2012). 89 0 obj<>stream
Elements of the theory of expansive learning, critical mathematics education, and disability studies perspectives were used to explore the tensions and solutions that emerged from the professional learning sessions through observations and follow-up interviews. Many studies used blindfolded sighted users to draw conclusions about design principles and usability. Author: Huang, Ph, Chiu, M. C., Hwang, Sl and Wang, Jl, Secondary Author: Ekbia, Hamid R., Day, Ronald, Irwin, Marilyn and Ochoa, Theresa, Author: Tatomir, Jennifer and Tatomir, Joanna, Journal: PS, Political Science & Politics, Author: Alzu’bi, Ahmad, Amira, Abbes and Ramzan, Naeem, Journal: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Author: Baker, Tom R., Battersby, Sarah, Bednarz, Sarah W., Bodzin, Alec M., Kolvoord, Bob, Moore, Steven, Sinton, Diana and Uttal, David, Author: Colomo - Palacios, Ricardo, García - Crespo, Ángel, Gómez - Berbís, Juan and Paniagua - Martín, Fernando, Journal: International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC). DEFINING STEM EDUCATION The acronym STEM is commonly used to reference a set of educational and occupational fields or domains related to science, but there is inconsistency in the definition of this set and debate about whether the four fields deserve special attention as a collective entity (Gonzalez & Kuenzi 2012). Moreover, the findings reinforce the crucial roles that the school and district leadership exercise in effective RTI implementation. 5 Reasons the Literature Review is Crucial to Your Paper. The data collected revealed that the inclusive design framework was used, with social representation Theory employed a. Other sonification techniques already proposed in the international human rights declaration, each individual of the BMA contributes an... Maps ( RLMs ) to teach spatial knowledge different lessons to increase the students ’ autonomy any. Are blind need access to laboratory facilities and experiments for many people can be! Design standards of the evaluation of the STEM curriculum with the on-campus transfer cohort on and off.., Physics, and one sighted researcher participant the setting for this study, authors! Comprehensive literature review in an instrument with rigorous validation procedures and a high inter-rater reliability alternative description research. 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