woodpecker tongue evolution

The bodies of woodpeckers structurally produce strong blows and moderate and diffuse the shocks delivered. When I was first told about it in an email, it seemed such an impossible suggestion that I was sure that I had not understood, so I kept on asking until it was absolutely clear that it really was what he was saying. The woodpecker catches its food with its tongue which has barbs and a bit of glue on the end, so it can pick up grubs hiding in their little tunnels inside a tree. The woodpecker’s tongue also secretes a sticky substance to help pull insects out of a tree and into its beak. They flap their wings and rise up, and once they gain some speed they close their wings flying in a wavelike pattern, so you can follow them with your eyes and see what tree they land on. Woodpeckers also produce large amounts of sticky saliva that coats the tongue, enhancing their ability to capture insects. Neither would the bug location mechanism been of any value without a tongue long enough to reach the grub. Dorsal, lateral, and ventral views of the skull of a Hairy Woodpecker. woodpecker's head 1.tongue 2.hyoid 3.root 1.The tongue divides into two. At the end of the tongue are … Response: The woodpecker's tongue (and hyoid apparatus, a rigid cartilage and bone skeleton of the tongue) are unusually long. Unfortunately, for many the evolutionary faith is a part of a total religious structure into which everything must be jammed whether it fits or not. This would have given a survival disadvantage. 1 to 1.5 times the length of its body? Because almost all mutations are harmful. God made woodpecker beaks self sharpening. To eat the insect that exists in the tree, the woodpecker has a tongue very long in which it can insert it also in a thin space. The tongue of the woodpecker has evolutionists scratching their heads. Of course, everyone wonders why this doesn’t cause a concussion. The tongue of woodpeckers is even longer than its body, which is actually the longest one that can be found in the bird world. The unique complex tongue of the woodpecker is extended by a complex system which includes a very long hyoid (tongue-base) extensible bone- sheathed muscle apparatus which help to control the protrusion and retraction of the tongue. In the top view, the horns of the hyoid extend from near the right nostril across the top of the skull. For example, the European Green woodpecker’s tongue goes down the throat, out the back of the neck around the back of the skull beneath the skin, and over the top between the eyes, terminating usually just below the eye socket. The woodpecker certainly could not have survived any evolutionary plans that man could come up with. The woodpecker is an example of such an animal. Having hammered a hole into the wood, the prey is extracted by use of a long, barbed tongue. They believe that over millions of years, natural selection has selected the organisms with mutations that add a little to the creature's ability to survive and leave offspring, while those with harmful mutations die. The woodpecker would choke if this was the case because his tongue is far too long. Then it hit me! In this way, according to the story, each little movement was favored by natural selection because the tongues length increased, and the longer the tongue was, the farther it could stretch out into the passageways the grubs had dug in the tree trunks. It is OK to believe that things were caused by mutations when there is good evidence leads to this conclusion. This additional structure helps reduce the natural wear and tear of their beaks generated from the friction with the wood. However, as we chisel, our steel blade becomes dull. Woodpeckers are so uniquely designed for their specific tasks that their amazing features defy evolutionary thinking! Evolutionists surmise that the woodpecker must have evolved from some other bird with a normal tongue that went straight out of the beak. That is why technicians who work with X-rays protect themselves with lead shields or aprons. To clarify, I reached out to a local expert at Columbia University, Dr. Walter Bock, who informed me that “The tongue of woodpeckers and its musculature is clearly the same as that in other birds. After working its way around the neck according to this theory the root jammed itself back into the bill through the nostril. A wood pecker will drill into a tree, then snake out its long, sticky tongue, waiting until the ants, believing it … As I greatly appreciate the fascinating evolution of woodpeckers, I want to be mindful to continue keeping an eye on the various fascinating things about the natural world in everyday life. Then, not the point end of the tongue, but the root end little by little uprooted itself from its normal attachment in the back of the throat, gradually rerooting itself step by tiny step out through the back of the opening of the bill, and taking root ever farther around the back of the head. by Thomas F. Heinze. The green woodpecker's tongue is so long that it has to coil behind the skull, over the eyes and into the right nostril just to fit inside the bird's head. The woodpecker’s tongue is worth even closer scrutiny. Had it survived the first blow, it would probably have quit trying. which must be quite perfectly coordinated, it is very difficult to imagine changes of one amino acid in one protein bringing any organ into existence. It … If lengthening the tongue increased the bird's chance of survival, the birds with tongues which continued to lengthen by moving under the skin down to the bird's tummy, tail, or foot, would have been chosen by natural selection. According to evolutionary theory, any system without a function will be eliminated by natural selection. Then it worms its tongue into the tunnel to try to locate the grub. Woodpeckers also have a bone embedded in their tongue that helps to extract insects from the trees. When the hole is drilled, the woodpecker uses its extremely long tongue (6 inches or 2.34 cm) to reach inside to get the insects. Their beaks also have developed an extra protective layer made up of bones and tissues. Evolutionists state that the woodpecker's tongue started out rooted back in the throat, just like other birds because they claim that it evolved from some ordinary bird. When they notice they’re being watched, they quietly slip behind a tree, peeking out to check what we’re doing. The tongue of some woodpeckers does not come from its throat up into its mouth like other creatures. The evidence is strongly against the woodpecker's special systems having been developed by chance mutations because a number of different systems had to work together. This design detail no doubt gives greater accuracy as the woodpecker guides its tongue toward a target grub. The woodpecker’s tongue also secretes a sticky substance to help pull insects out of a tree and into its beak. Woodpeckers are mysterious birds. In humans, the horseshoe-shaped hyoid is an attachment site for certain throat and tongue muscles. 4. Unlike the tongue of humans, which is primarily mus- cular, the tongue of woodpeckers is supported by a car- tilage-and-bone skeleton covered with a thin tissue layer. and attach their sheath there, 2 circle behind the head and neck 3, Almost all mutations are harmful, so the organisms which survive are generally those with mutations that just change one amino acid in one protein. Why jump to the conclusion that if mutations cause diabetes, they must also have formed the pancreas, the liver, the fish, the monkey and us? They are born with shorter tongues and with time, their hyoid horns grow up to the top of the head, forward, and into the nasal cavity. This would have required an intelligent creator. Evolutionists call it an “adaptation” which means it just happened that way because woodpeckers wanted to eat beetle larvae way inside trees–and were willing to wait a million years or so for their tongues to grow long enough to reach them. As he examined the skeleton, he noticed a very strange thing: Small flexible bones exited from the woodpecker's right nostril, circled around behind its head and neck, and went into its beak on the other side of its head. In short, they support their bodies on three points: the claws of each foot and the hard tail. If the woodpecker's tongue were not designed, but had formed by chance mutations, only the first mutations which moved its tongue into its right nostril and pointed it backward could have happened. Each side of its split tongue is wrapped around the back of its head under the skin when not in use. Other birds have hyoid bones also, but it would seem obvious that some sort of miracle would be needed to get them rooted in the right nostril. Photos and text: Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, English Translation: Asia Club, WBSJ Volunteer Group (Anna THOMAS & KASE Tomoko). This movement is cute and fascinating, but this is the same action as using a tree as a shield to hide when predators like hawks and crows are near. But let the evidence be a guide also in cases such as that of the woodpecker where the evidence so strongly indicates intelligent design. After a tongue came out through the nostril and headed backwards behind the head it would have given the bird a great survival disadvantage until the moment the tongue and its bones had grown long enough to go all the way around the neck, back into the base of its beak, and extend far enough out the end to reach food. Since this involved bone, joints, blood vessels, and nerves as well as flesh, it would have required many mutations, presumably spread out over millions of years. If the tongue started anchored to the back of the beak, it would require a large sudden change to get to its present configuration. In some species, the tongue is coated with a sticky substance, used as bait to catch ants. The toe structure and associated arrangement of tendons and leg muscles form a functional complex of features enabling the woodpecker to climb tree trunks and to maintain its position while pecking the tree." If you see someone knocking down a building with a crane equipped with a wrecking ball, you don't assume that all of the world's buildings were constructed by cranes with wrecking balls. If all of the above systems came into place in an ordinary bird, the impact with the tree would kill it; something like taking driving a steel chisel into a tree with the end of your nose. The tongue of the woodpecker is long and ends in a barb. There are five bones, thin and flexible This theory neglects to mention that for the first inch or so the tongues root had to move in the wrong direction! One prominent evolutionist on the staff of a prestigious scientific magazine confided after examining it 'There are certain anatomical features which just cannot be explained by gradual mutations over millions of years. The ability to peck a hole wouldn’t help if the bird didn’t have a tongue long enough to reach inside. In fact, neither the long tongue nor the location mechanism would have been of any use if the tongue were not equipped to stick to or into the grub to bring it back out of the hole. These errors, called mutations, are claimed by evolutionists to have come about by accident, that is, with no intelligent direction by God. Circling around behind the head and neck under the loose skin gives the tongue enough extra length so it can shoot out about six inches into Mr. grub's burrow inside a tree trunk! The more you magnify man-made objects, the cruder they look, but the more you magnify God-made objects, the more precise and intricate they appear." Evolutionists state that the woodpecker's tongue started out rooted back in the throat, just like other birds because they claim that it evolved from some ordinary bird. The information is laid out simply and in a beautifully visual presentation. Did you know that a woodpeckers tongue is . June is just the time when these woodpeckers raise their chicks, so it’s important to leave them alone, especially when a nest is nearby. Why would it do that? Learn about their one-of-a-kind tongue and shock absorbent skulls! Japan, Like most websites we use cookies. The woodpecker's bill works like a specialized chisel, capable of slicing right into a tree. Back there, the tiny bones divide into essentially two tongues, coming back together before entering the beak. The unique arrangement of the woodpecker's tongue could not have evolved. '", Another scientist, while examining the woodpecker's tongue bones under a microscope commented, "It is very easy to tell the difference between man-made and God-made objects. Evolutionists, however, have faith that mutations have gradually made biologists out of bacteria, or Adam from an amoeba. The sound and pattern varies by species, but what can be said about all of them is they strike a tree at a high speed in one spot with their beaks. (e.g., woodpeckers and hummingbirds) the horns curve around the skull terminating at the front ... For example, in woodpeckers that extend their tongue the most, it can be anchored at the left nostril or encircle the right eye. Their feet have two toes pointing forward and another two pointing backwards, with sharply curved claws, and the four feathers in the center of their tail have very hard, curved shafts. The beak is flexible, almost straight with a thick base, and the lower beak is shorter than the upper. To insinuate that evolution was a non-factor is an outright lie. This apparently delivers the same impact as a human would get by repeatedly striking a wall at a speed of about 25 kilometers per hour. The woodpecker's beak is unlike that of other birds. The tongue system splits in two, like a Y, exits through a hole in the back of the beak. After all, if a tongue did extend farther and farther out of the beak, it really could reach farther into the grub's burrow, and the more grubs it could catch, the more offspring it could bring to maturity. The fact that they are all present and functioning indicates that these various systems were designed and created to work together. The woodpecker's tongue gives strong evidence of design. The woodpecker's tongue must have come all at once, a product of complex design. This is an elongated version of tongue of others species of birds. with tiny joints.1 What made them exit through the right nostril For storage, the tongue is curled around the back of the head between the skull and skin. The tongue’s adhesive, however, does not prevent the woodpecker from eating. When a number of systems must be in place all at once before a thing will work, it is called irreducible complexity and it is an evidence of intelligent design. Woodpeckers' hyoid bones act as additional support structures. The woodpecker tongue is so long that it must wrap around the inside of its head and its brain when not extended out of its beak. A second amazing feature of woodpeckers is their beak. Errors in copying information don't make better instructions for making more complex beings. In insisting that God did nothing, and that accidental mutations have produced everything, evolutionists have painted themselves into a corner, with no decent way to account for the origin of any complex organ. While I understand the merit of avoiding competition by only using tree trunks that other birds don’t use, I want to ask, “Do you really need to go that far?”. After we chisel a certain number of holes, we must sharpen our chisels. The woodpecker snakes his tongue in and out of his beak like a snake's tongue. When woodpeckers search for food or bore holes to make their nests, they peck trees without rhythm and not very loudly, but during breeding season they drum regularly to announce their territory. For example, the skull is thick and composed of sponge-like hollow bone that wraps around the brain like packing material. Since the evidence indicates that woodpeckers could not have been developed by random mutations, why should mutations be considered the universal builders of every part of every living being as most evolutionists insist? In addition, compared to other birds: "The tail feathers (especially the central one or two pairs) are stronger in woodpeckers, resisting the wear caused by their use in propping up the bird's body as it hammers with the bill. Often extending five times farther than the beak itself, the tongue is so thin that it can reach into ants’ nests in trees. A woodpecker tongue goes around all the way around his head and comes right on top of … The Woodpecker. The specialized tongue of a woodpecker evolved exactly as one would expect. Its tongue could not help it catch any food at all for the millions of years that it would take to complete the circle around the back of the head, by changing one amino acid in one protein at a time. … The only way the tongue's root could get to where it could exit from the side of the beak was to move foreword from its spot in the back of the throat. Some evolutionists have realized this, and have thought up another story of how it might have evolved. (Luther D. Sunderland, Creation Research Society Quarterly, vol. Its first inch or so was moving foreword, not backward! The mutation scenario, however, could never have evolved a normal bird's tongue into woodpecker's tongue. Evolution: why does a woodpeckers tongue go around the brain? Otherwise they get more and more dull until they are unusable. The reason they believe these changes take lots of time is that most mutations represent chance changes in the commands to make proteins which are the main ingredients of cells. They are even well-known to children because their endearing, unique appearance and habits make them good material for picture books and comics. and come back into the hollow between the two halves of the beak? Since, in the scenario they have made up, moving the tongues root backward increases its probability of being chosen by natural selection, then moving forward from back in the throat up to the point at which it could exit through the opening of the back part of the beak would decrease its chance of being chosen. Woodpeckers are the first example of adaptive evolution by Natural Selection mentioned by Darwin who commented that their' feet, tail, beak and tongue' are ‘so admirably adapted to catch insects under the bark of trees’. Something or somebody gave the woodpecker's tongue a unique design. If you’re happy with that, just carry on as normal (, Discover the latest ups and downs of the avian world, Major national park expansion for South America’s other big forest, Saving the Gola Forest: reimagining forest conservation in West Africa, Namibian fishery reduces seabird deaths by 98%, Restoring wet meadows to protect the Madagascar pond-heron in Mayotte. This would, of course requited two completely different types of mutations which were more or less perfectly coordinated: The mutations which moved the root around the head, would have to have been coordinated with those which increased the length of the tongue. 12, March 1976, p. 183). 2.It through the right of hole of the nasal bone. If one of the woodpecker's systems evolved much before the other systems that had to be there for it to function, it would have been eliminated. The woodpecker’s split tongue is attached to its right nostril. The woodpecker's tongue gives strong evidence of being the product of intelligent design and creation, rather than of evolution. It is long, but instead of dangling down and getting tangled around branches when it flies, the slack is kept under the loose skin behind its neck. Loosing the tongue's contribution to gathering food would have put the woodpecker at a great disadvantage compared to normal birds in the struggle to survive. Until the woodpecker had obtained the complex mechanism for locating and hitting a tiny grub inside a tiny tunnel inside a great big tree, its specialized tongue would have been of no value. 4. This tongue is a mysterious structure. The long tongue of some woodpeckers is an adaptive function that increases with the growth of the bird. Unlike the human tongue which is made up of muscles, the woodpecker's tongue is made up of cartilage and bone skeleton called the hyoid apparatus. A woodpecker sometimes uses its tongue as a spear, penetrating and then dragging insects to the surface, but the bird probably uses it more often as a rake, extending it into holes and then retracting it. They climb up trees, hunt for insect grubs and such hiding inside trees, and have nests in holes they bore in tree trunks. Currently there are somewhere around 200 kinds of woodpeckers. What were these strange bones? Drumming, like calling, is for letting surrounding birds know of their presence, so they use trees that resonate well. If a man were trying to catch grubs like a woodpecker, no matter how sharp he kept his chisel, he would not know which direction to go to connect with the tunnels which have grubs in them. Next, consider the woodpecker’s tongue. If it were a simple thing that could happen by small accidental changes, some blacksmith, or metallurgical scientist would have figured out how to make self sharpening steel chisels. 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woodpecker tongue evolution 2021