To be in front of or prior to in order. The most memorable name, however, among the scholars of this century is that of Eustathius, whose philological studies at Constantinople preceded his tenure of the archbishopric of Thessalonica (1175-1192). Comment; Complaint; Link; Dawsyn February 19, 9:13 AM. 47), and the disaster to the ships at Ezion-Geber at the head of the Gulf of Akaba preceded, if it was not the introduction to, the great revolt in the days of Jehoshaphat's son Jehoram, where, again; the details in 2 Chron. It should be added that the proper names in the inscriptions show the regular Italic system of gentile nomen preceded by a personal praenomen; and that some inscriptions show the interesting feature which appears in the Tables of Heraclea of a crest or coat of arms, such as a triangle or an anchor, peculiar to particular families. 40. That was infinitely more appealing to male audiences and it was achieved not through nudity, but through an undressing that mimicked the disrobing which preceded a sexual encounter. Twenty-three tanks joined in the attack, which was preceded by no bombardment but was covered by the fire of 978 guns. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The lowest point of her fortunes had been reached under the administration of Margaret of Anjou, during the weary years that preceded the outbreak of the civil wars in 1459. Putting these views aside as unsubstantial, we will consider the relation of the Waldenses as they appear in actual history with the sects which preceded them. In 1810 and the :first half of 1811 Speranski was still in high favour, and was the confidant of the emperor in that secret diplomacy which preceded the breach of Russia with Napoleon. Fragmentary as the records are, they show that the Exopterygota preceded the Endopterygota in the evolution of the class, and that among the Endopterygota those orders in which the greatest difference exists between imago and larva - the Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera - were the latest to take their rise. preceded by six per cartilaginous margin of the radial and six interradial disk centripetally in the solid larval tentacles). All pass through trochosphere and veliger stages, and in all a nautiloid or boat-like shell is developed, preceded by a well-marked " shell-gland " (see fig. Preyer has criticized such views, grouping them under the phrase "theory of cosmozoa," and has suggested that living matter preceded inorganic matter. A collection of Reformation hymns, adapted, many of them, from the German, the Holar-book, had preceded them in 1619. Preceded sentence examples. The President's limousine was preceded by an escort of policemen on motorcycles. A vivid description of the Phoenicians' trade at the time of Tyre's prosperity is given by Ezekiel (xxvii. Bishop Stillingfleet held that London was of Roman foundation and not older than the time of Claudius (Origines Brit., 1685, p. 43); and Dr Guest affirmed that the notion of a British town having " preceded the Roman camp has no foundation to rest upon " (Archaeological Journal, xxiii. How to use precede in a sentence. In the war which preceded this peace (generally known as the Thirty Years' War) Alsace had been so terribly devastated by the Swedes and the French that the German emperor found himself unable to hold it. The extracts were intended by Stobaeus for his son Septimius, and were preceded by a letter briefly explaining the purpose of the work and giving a summary of the contents. The Great Trek, as it is called, lasted from 1836 to 1840, the trekkers, who numbered about 7000, founding communities with a republican form of government beyond the Orange and Vaal rivers, and in Natal, where they had been preceded, however, by British emigrants. The final afternoon was preceded by a vast plate of chicken in a tangy sauce followed by fresh fruit salad. In the Malay Peninsula the blood of a murdered man must be put in a bottle and prayers said over; after seven days of this worship a sound is heard and the operator puts his finger into the bottle for the polong, as the demon is called, to suck; it will fly through the air in the shape of an exceedingly diminutive female figure, and is always preceded by its pet, the pelesit, in the shape of a grasshopper. According to him the visit to Capernaum and the healing of the wife's mother preceded the call of Peter, and this was associated with a tradition of a miraculous draught of fishes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Within twenty years of his accession the disasters and calamities which had preceded his triumph had been forgotten, and the national life was running quietly in its old channels. Though the aquatic members of a class of animals are in some instances derived from terrestrial forms, the usual transition is from an aquatic ancestry to more recent land-living forms. In the shadowy age which preceded the Stone age and hardly ended later than 10,000 B.C., the cave-dwellers of the Dordogne could draw elks, bisons, elephants and other animals at rest or in movement, with a freshness and realism which to-day only a Landseer can rival. Sometimes a tingling sensation in the arm will precede a heart attack. In Coleochaete this seems to be preceded by the formation of a minute parenchymatous mass, in each cell of which a zoospore is produced. Precede in a sentence up(8) down(7) Sentence count:76+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-19Updated:2016-12-13. is given side by side, preceded by a short introduction. Synonyms: go before, introduce, herald, pave the way for More Synonyms of precede. He frequently stopped his carpentering to work at his poems. During the agitations that preceded the Revolution Cerutti took the popular side, and in 1788 published a pamphlet, Memoire pour le peuple francais, in which in a clear and trenchant style he advocated the claims of the tiers etat. Cummins said, and precedes fresh debate over such a separation. Related. How to Use "Juxtapose" in a Sentence. The story is that his valet who preceded him wrote "est" on the doors of all the inns where good wine was to be had, and that here the inscription was thrice repeated. It was then that he set afoot his numerous schemes for the restoration of the learning and culture of England which had sunk so low during the long years of disaster which had preceded his accession. Riding on the popularity of the original movie which preceded it, High School Musical 2 had a total of 17.2 million viewers in the United States during its premiere, a full 10 million more than the first film. Death may be preceded by coma, but consciousness is often maintained to the end. In the case of the more delicate plants, the formation of roots is preceded by the production from the cambium of the cuttings of a succulent mass of tissue, the callus. preceded in a sentence: preceded meaning in Hindi. At a somewhat earlier date commenced a long series of weekly and monthly periodicals of a more solid character, of which the following list indicates the more important in chronological order: Die Grenzboten (1862), weekly; the Deutsches Museum (1851-1857), of Prutz and Frenzel; Berliner Revue (1855-1873); Westermanns Monatshefte (1856), monthly; Unsere Zeit (1857-1891), beginning as a kind of supplement to Brockhaus's Conversationslexikon; Preussische Jahrbucher (1858), monthly; Deutsches Magazin (1861-1863); Die Gegenwart (1873), weekly; Konservative Monatsschrift (1873), preceded by the Volksblatt fur Stadt and Land (1843) Deutsche Rundschau (1874), fortnightly, conducted upon the method of the Revue des deux mondes; Deutsche Revue (1876), monthly; Nord and Sud (1877), monthly; Das Echo (1882), weekly; Die Zukunft (1882), weekly; Die neue Zeit (1883), weekly; Reclams Universum (1884), weekly; Velhagen and Klasings Monatshefte (1889), monthly; Die deutsche Rundschau (1890), monthly; Die Wahrheit (1893-1897); Kritik (1894-1902); Die Umschau (1897), weekly; Das literarische Echo (1898), fortnightly; Kynast (1898-1899), known later as Deutsche Zeitschrift (1899-1903) and Iduna (1903-1906); Der Turmer (1898), monthly; Die Warte (1900), weekly; Deutschland (1902-1907); Deutsche Monatsschrift (1902-1907); Hochland (1903), monthly; Charon (1904), monthly; Suddeutsche Monatshefte (1904); Der Deutsche (1905-1908); Deutsche Kultur (1905-1908); Arena (1906), monthly; Das Blaubuch (1906), weekly; Eckart (1906), monthly; Die Standarte (1906), weekly; Meirz (1907), fortnightly; Morgen (1907), weekly; Neue Revue (1907), weekly; Internationale Wochenschrift fur Wissenschaft, Kunst, and Technik (1907), weekly supplement to the Minchener allgemeine Zeitung; Wissen (1907), weekly; Unsere Zeit (1907), monthly; Hyperion (1908), bi-monthly; Xenien (1908), monthly; Das neue Jahrhundert (1909), monthly; Die Tat (1909), monthly. The list must be preceded by the comment delimiter " .. ", appearing on a separate line. Where much is still obscure, all that seems certain is that the antiquity of Phoenicia as a sea and trading power has been greatly exaggerated both in ancient and in modern times; the Minoan power of Cnossus preceded it by many centuries; the influence of Phoenicia in the Aegean cannot be carried back much earlier than the 12th century B.C., and, comparatively speaking, it was " foreign, late, sporadic."' Use preceded in a sentence +8. This was preceded, on the 10th of March, by the revolt of the garrison of Alessandria and the military revolution in Piedmont, which in its turn was suppressed, as a result of negotiations at Laibach, by Austrian troops. On the other hand, the belief that the monarchy had been preceded by national "judges" may have led to the formation of the collection. One of the newest versions available today is Windows Mobile 6.5 and it comes with a laundry list of upgrades over the Windows Mobile 6.1 that preceded it. It is preceded by a prologue, and followed by a humorous epilogue, in Latin adapted to subjects of the moment. It was his favorite memory, that which preceded his abrupt knowledge of war and the world at large. miltonC4191 . The functions of the deaconess were as follows: (1) To assist at the baptism of women, especially in connexion with the anointing of the body which in the ancient Church always preceded immersion; (2) to visit the women of the Church in their homes and to minister to the needs of the sick and afflicted; (3) according to the Apostolical Constitutions they acted as door-keepers in the church, received women as they entered and conducted them to their allotted seats. If the designation of this or that personage as mikill vikingr or rauba vikingr (red viking) be not reckoned an instance of such use; we have it at all events in the name of a small quasi-nationality, the Jomsvikingar, settled at J6msborg on the Baltic (in modern Pomerania), to whom a saga is dedicated: who possessed rather peculiar institutions evidently the relic of what is now called the Viking Age, that preceded the Saga Age by a century. RGB values are either three or six hexadecimal digits indicating color and preceded by a hash tag: #FFFFFF is white, for example. Black's states that in cases of uraemia ' death may be preceded by convulsions and unconsciousness. We only wish them to be preceded by a few general remarks. 0. This" communion of the body and blood of Christ,"which in early writings is clearly distinguished from the thankoffering which preceded it, and which furnished the materials for it, gradually came to supersede the thank-offering in importance, and to exercise a reflex influence upon it. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A great analysis was to precede a great synthesis, but it was the synthesis on which Comte's vision was centred from the first. UL - Enclose an unnumbered list with UL and every text line you enclose with the LI tag will be preceded by a bullet. in diameter for the knights of the Round Table, who preceded the knights of the Garter, had been built in 1344 (Chron. B, now in the Vatican, containing all the twenty plays preceded by the spurious Querolus; C, now at Heidelberg, containing the last twelve plays, i.e. Hempl's initiative was followed by Professor Gundermann of Giessen, who announced in November 1897' that he had discovered the source of the runic alphabet, the introduction of which he declares preceded the first of the phonetic changes known as the " Teutonic sound-shifting," since < = g is used for k, X = x for g, a Theta-like symbol for d, while zd is used for st. " It is impossible," writes Sir Richard Thorne (Local Government Board Report, 1898-1899), " to read the medical history of this disease in almost every part of the world without being impressed with the frequency with which recognized plague has been preceded by ailments of such slight severity, involving some bubonic enlargement of glands and some rise in body-temperature, as to mask the real nature of the malady.". Still, no mater how early she got up, the stove was always burning and Alex preceded her to the dairy. Dionysius, the author of the era, adopted the day of the Annunciation, or the 25th of March, which preceded the birth of Christ by nine months, as the commencement of the first year of the era. The catalytic domain of PP5 is preceded at its N-terminus by a regulatory domain composed of three tandem tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs. It was part of the colossal sun, Surrounded by its choral rings, Still … At his instigation the inhabitants of Le Mans soon began to slight the clergy of their town and to reject all ecclesiastical authority. An even more imposing manifestation of this common life was given by the great pan-Anglican congress held in London between the 12th and 24th of June 1908, which preceded the Lambeth conference opened on the 5th of July. Clinically, dysentery manifests itself with varying degrees of intensity, and it is often impossible without microscopical examination to determine between the amoebic and bacillary forms. Migne, following the example of the editors of bibliothecae patrum who preceded him, swept into his great collection all the Christian writings which fell within his period; but he is careful to state upon his title-page that his patrologies include the ecclesiastical writers as well as the fathers and doctors of the Church. there are in some winters occasional anti-cyclonic or high-area storms known as blizzards - wind-storms preceded or accompanied by snow-fall - which are very severe. 10. This is, of course, more true of the middle ages than of the times that preceded and followed them; the Church under the Roman empire hardly as yet realized the possibilities of " sermons in stones," and took over, with little change, the model of the secular and religious buildings of pagan Rome; the Renaissance, essentially a neo-pagan movement, introduced disturbing factors from outside, and, though developing a style very characteristic of the age that produced it, started that archaeological movement which has tended in modern times to substitute mere imitations of old models for any attempt to express in church architecture the religious spirit of the age. Lavinium was preceded by a more ancient town, Laurentum, the city of Latinus (Verg. When the World War broke out, Venizelos hastened, in the dark days which preceded the first battle of the Marne, to offer Greece's aid and adhesion to the Entente. This legal precede nt: changing the name of a ruler from Emperor to President: was also a cultural precede nt: The leader had to show his teeth to the people in a smile: He had to precede his public outings with his teeth showing first in a smile of legal equality. Although the outbreak of war had been preceded by years of angry diplomatic dispute, the United States were absolutely unready, while Great Britain was still hard pressed by the hostility of Napoleon, and was compelled to retain the greater part of her forces and her best crews in European waters, till the ruin of the Grande Armee in Russia and the rising of Germany left her free to send an overwhelming force of ships to American waters. The fasces originally represented the power over life and limb possessed by the kings, and after the abolition of the monarchy, the consuls, like the kings, were preceded by twelve fasces. - The subsequent centuries show continuous decline, and in whatever branch we compare the work, we see that each dynasty was poorer than that which preceded it. A sharp look under furrowed brows preceded his terse answer. C. Baur complained, his critique of the Gospel history had not been preceded by the essential preliminary critique of the Gospels themselves. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The death of Charles of Lorraine preceded only by a few months that of Maria Theresa, whose son Joseph II. Deciduous premolar preceded by a minute molariform tooth, which remains in place until the animal is nearly full grown. The taking of the Bastille, however, and the events by which it was preceded, were a sign that the times had changed; and on the 18th of July Desmoulins's work was issued. In English grammar, the subject generally precedes the verb. Cane Ashby, a man Phillip sent to play the part of him, preceded Phillip’s return. In the forms of worship favoured by votaries of these creeds the emotional and erotic elements are allowed yet freer scope than in those that preceded them; and, as an effective auxiliary to these tendencies, the use of the vernacular dialects in prayers and hymns of praise takes an important part in the religious service. As its name implies, the settlement is preceded by survey. The tracks of the vehicle that preceded him were clear in the dust of the turnoff, and he knew he'd guessed correctly as he neared the now-familiar meadow below the mine. Rain is generally preceded by thunder and lightning and falls heavily for a short period. As in Assyria, so too in the states of Babylonia the patesi or high-priest of the god preceded the king. Little is known of the language of the ancient Nubians or of its connexion, if any, with the language, known as Meroitic, of the "Ethiopians" who preceded them. Hence we may conclude that the original book consisted of a central mass of religious, civil and social laws, preceded by a hortatory introduction and followed by an effective peroration. The woman preceded her husband up the stairs, but he followed close behind. Almost all his more substantive works, whether in verse or prose, are preceded by prefaces of one sort or another, which are models of his own light pungent causerie; and in a vast variety of nondescript pamphlets and writings he shows himself a perfect journalist. 2. 4), introduce an account of the creation of the world, which, however, is preceded by a Analysis. Precede definition is - to surpass in rank, dignity, or importance. During the event, the girls’ soccer game will precede the boys’ soccer game that will close out the night. There are clear traces of a settlement going back to the 7th century, including a scarab factory, which yielded numerous scarabs, not of native Egyptian manufacture, bearing the names of the kings that preceded Amasis. For the operations that preceded the battle see Great Rebellion. The death-benefit limit of $250,000 does not take into account instances in which prolonged hospitalization preceded death. For a moment circumstances led him to think of seeking a career in America, but a friend who preceded him thither warned him of the purely practical spirit that prevailed in the new country. Severe weather warnings had preceded the gale force winds that had whipped the sea into 30 feet waves. An edict of toleration in 1839 shortly preceded the visit of the " Artemise.". This festival, like that at Athens, was held late in summer; at Byblus, where the mourning ceremony preceded, it took place in spring. An introductory section explaining where the author got her ingredients preceded the actual recipes.  . It is preceded by a rich portal in the Gothic style with elaborately carved doors, and is flanked on the north by an uncompleted tower. During this year he took an active part in the minor campaigns which preceded General Arthur St Clair's disastrous defeat by the Indians. The keynote of the counter Reformation had been struck by the popes who immediately preceded this period. The sound of bodies hitting the stone floor behind her preceded Darkyn grabbing her by a few seconds. Lictors preceded the foundation of the nerve cords preceded the SWAT team into the house and swiftly the! Deliberate declaration series that preceded him and stood outside Gladys Trumbull 's door hyphen. 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