Max Frame Rate

Le paramètre Max Frame Rate du panneau de configuration Nvidia réduit la latence en limitant le nombre d’images calculées par la carte graphique. So setting it up is pretty simple : The blue line now shows the same run-through with the max frame rate of 60 FPS enabled. The upper 32 bits of the attribute value contain the numerator, and the lower 32 bits contain the denominator. The frame rate is expressed as a ratio. Frame Time is the reciprocal of Frame Rate and a time-spike is often referred to a micro-stutter or dropped frames. For example, 1080p/60 TV has a frame rate of 60 FPS. The default value for minimum and maximum frame rate in Radeon Chill is 30 FPS and 300 FPS respectively. Ce paramètre est apparu avec les pilotes du 7 janvier 2020, la version 441.87.

You can have god like gaming experience at 60 frames per second or higher.

Jakie jest nowe ustawienie w samouczku Nvidia Max Frame Rate? DX11/DX12 and Vulkan APIs are tested to see just how it works. DX11/DX12 and Vulkan APIs are tested to see just how it works. With VSYNC OFF these insane frame rates were creating a lot of tearing as you might imagine. Nowe ustawienie Nvidia Max Frame Rate to opcja, która pozwala użytkownikowi, który ma kartę graficzną znanego producenta układów, nie tylko zwiększać, zmniejszać, a nawet ograniczać liczbę klatek na sekundę w grach. Nvidia’s first driver update for 2020 includes a max frame rate feature that’s the number one request from GeForce owners. With the GPU working at core to produce frames to the ceiling of your display , no more tearing , no more extra power , no more heat , longer life , optimization baby .

If the capture device reports a maximum frame rate, the media source sets this attribute on the media type. Manual run-throughs will be performed in the games and graph the frame rate over time both with and without the max frame rate limiter enabled. Click on the "Manage 3D settings" menu item under the 3D Settings heading, and then scroll down through the "Global Settings" panel until you see the "Max Frame Rate… Manual run-throughs will be performed in the games and graph the frame rate over time both with and without the max frame rate limiter enabled.
Frame rate (also known as fps) is the frequency rate at which a video device produces unique consecutive images called frames.Frames are still pictures that when sequence together form a fluid animation that is the basis for all moving media. Nvidia “Max Frame Rate” Settings*: *Introduced in Nvidia driver version 441.87.
, Frame rates are often listed alongside the video resolution. However, if your FPS is higher than your refresh rate, your display will not be able to display all of the frames your computer is producing, so although the refresh rate doesn't technically limit the frame rate, it does effectively set a cap. Frame rate refers to the number of frames-per-second (FPS) a television can display.